Experiment with Soil,

How topsoil can reverse climate change and keep the global temperature stable.

The Carbon Sequestration Project.

In this vast Universe, among all the galaxies and known planets, there is only one planet which has climate and fertile Soil to support Life, it’s Earth, our home planet.

Fertile Soil means the fertility ability of the soil to sustain plant growth by providing essential nutrients. These nutrients include nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium, magnesium and many other micronutrients.

Importance of Microorganisms

Their very existence is essential to support life on Earth. Microorganisms hold water more than double of their size, and keep the soil moist, creating a habitable environment for other organisms like earthworms, ants, nematodes and more living organisms.

They all collectively break down various nutrients into edible form for plants, they also capture and store the Carbon into the soil for ages.

Their constant movement keeps the field aerated for all crops, and allows the rain water to seep deep into Earth, refilling the groundwater reservoirs.


Soil Degradation on a Rapid Pace

The harsh reality is, 52% of Global Agricultural Land is already Degraded

If the current rates of soil degradation continue, this would end life on Earth in just 4 or 5 decades, maybe less.

Our Planet is in Crisis

Growing More Trees is not the only solution, because one tree reaches its maturity from 10 to 40 years or more, and a mature tree absorbs only about 18 Kilograms of carbon dioxide in one year from the atmosphere, which further needs to survive from deforestation.

Surprisingly, we need to grow about One Billion Trees to reverse climate change, that’s one followed by nine zeros (1,000,000,000 = 1 billion).

The harsh reality is,

Deforestation is much faster than Reforestation

What is the solution?

The good news is we know what to do. Plants and Trees deliver about 40% of atmospheric carbon to the ground, but we need to have Microbial Life there to absorb it and keep it locked for ages.

Extensive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides repelled or killed the microorganisms and earthworms and insects. The natural cycle is completely broken beneath our feet.

We need to bring the Microbial Life back into the Soil. These living organisms and microbes and organic content will absorb carbon, improve soil fertility and keep the soil moist, resulting in more nutritious soil for crops.